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By misusing statistics, the government claims that racial disparities are always caused by racial discrimination and that these disparities can only be rectified by...
The gold standard hampers the growth of government power, which helps people more effectively fight bad policy.
Now threatening citizens for what they post online, one would hardly believe that England had once possessed a hard-won tradition of limited government and...
While F.A. Hayek contributed much to the Austrian School of Economics, he also supported the establishment of the welfare state, believing that it was...
When people speak of “old school economics,” they generally mean the application of economic thinking that involves what we might call “common sense.” That...
Regulators with the European Union want people to believe that the “dead hand” of government regulation actually enhances competition. The only thing their actions...
Thanks to increasingly broad car-seat laws, a third child often requires the purchase of a larger, more expensive vehicle. At the margins, this has...