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World News

Government spending does not reflect true economic value the way personal spending does.

World News

David Glasner shares his perspectives on the famous Sraffa-Hayek debate, a topic on which he has expressed disagreement with Bob in print.

World News

After spending 25 years as a columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman is finally retiring from that position—25 years too late, if...

World News

The Fed wants independence so it can serve the interests of the banker class. There is no higher principle here. There is only power.

World News

Wage differences between men and women often are automatically attributed to sex discrimination against women. However, as research has shown time and again, other...

World News

Buchanan and Tullock‘s The Calculus of Consent influentially applies economic ideas to politics, focusing on methodological individual. However, there are a few pitfalls about...

World News

Is the price premium proposed by Irving Fisher an incoherent concept, as Rothbard argued? Hansen suggests a Mises-Rothbard premium based on the Cantillon effect...