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World News

Government spending does not reflect true economic value the way personal spending does.

World News

David Glasner shares his perspectives on the famous Sraffa-Hayek debate, a topic on which he has expressed disagreement with Bob in print.

World News

After spending 25 years as a columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman is finally retiring from that position—25 years too late, if...

World News

Austrian economics today needs critics. It doesn‘t need the critics (like Paul Krugman) who cannot give valid and accurate criticisms, but rather people who...

World News

The iron law of prohibition states that the more you attempt to enforce prohibition, the more dangerous and the more potent the drugs actually...

World News

Even though DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) has been taking a beating with some state legislatures, it still has a corrupting influence, especially in...

World News

Trump is far from ideal, and we need to do all we can to work against the policies he favors that are inimical to...